Screenshots from an early beta version |
Overview |
Movie Details |
Wikipedia |
Standard list view with Filter side panel |
Movie details in side panel (themeable) |
Wikipedia article for the movie |
Actor Details |
Tiles View |
Virtual Flip |
Clicking on an actor on movie details will show the actor’s details |
Alternative movie view |
Flip through your movie collection as it was real (alternative Carousel animation available) |
Context Menu |
Video Player |
Adding Movie |
A movie’s context menu offers you lots of options |
You can watch your movies right in MBase and you can also detach the video window from the main window and hide the controls |
Adding a movie is really easy - just type the movie title and MBase gets everything (including actors data and pictures) off the internet |
Actors Management |
Loan Management |
Export Wizard |
Edit everything about them |
Full loan management included - MBase will remind you about movies that are due and you can have your friend sent a reminder message |
Export your data to almost everything possible - even your iPod! |
Statistics (Graphs) |
Statistics (Bars) |
Statistics (Pies) |